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I was bored at my desk this morning, thinking how I wish I'd been the person to come up with the idea of Post-it Notes. Other business ideas I wish I thought of are Argos, (everyone goes to Argos) and...
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Boxers or Briefs? Personally, boxers but what do other people say - esp women?
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Why does the latest AB popup: 'Soft Drinks Survey' ask which lager you prefer?
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What are peoples favourite film and why?
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How can I weight more than 1/2 stone more in one room than in any other room in my house? I tested this last night & all readings were taken with 10minutes of each other.
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If you had the chance to ask 100 people a survey question. What would you ask? And do you think this would be a fab feature in AB?
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Pls can you give me ideas for 70s party food

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