17D bow, oar and stern of it all found at sea (7) ????C?T 19D God he's drunk - give us a hand, do you hear? (7) ??????S 24D Dot's partner Mark (4) ???H
1A Morse right put out, one ruddy criminal gets discharge, not the first (9) ?DD?E???? 24A Henry's one to cover every bugle-call (7) H?L???? 26D Section head's transgression (5) ???PE
17D What daredevil displays - fast speed an instant after start of sprint (8) ???H?S?? 19D Pile ohay adly set - weakness i supporting structure? (7) I????S
2D Understand my pinching girl's bottom - though this isn't this! (6) S?E?L? 3D National, say, hosting fashionable playwright! (6) R?C?N? 21D Strike allowed to blck river (6) ?E?E?E