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28A Ladies up north sign on in other words and shirk working in wood (14) could the answer be RENSSELAERITES? (lassies with talc filler for wood) or TRANSLITERATED? (ladies with other words) I am...
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12D Last appearance of Ted Ray curtailed by popular channel (5) D?A?? 14D Her spicy dancing contains sex appeal, a quality of heavenly body (10) ??H???????
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6A No time for a chortle when suffering this (7) 11A Discarded yet not finished, maybe Johnny Vegas at last returns to host nonsense (8) 23A When to feel pasionate about things that 'gang agley' (5,5)...
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9A King and I in German? That's priceless (4) R?C? Is the answer rich? If so, what's the connection with the King and I?
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18D Busy person about to shake matron (7) D???G?R 21A New Year's partying without one stimulant drug? We're ready for bed! (7) Are the answers; dowager and yawners? If so, please explain! Many thanks...
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12A Film director shows the right way for Chinese to screen endless bombast (9) ??R?N?I?? 5A Issue of Chanel's No. 5 blend (6) ?M???? 9D A woman in some jazzy version 6) ?I???E
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8D Look at John for example, a very attractive person (3, ??E???D?
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18A Scientist, British, not working at home (6) ?O???N 19D One's lucky to see part of a whale (5) ??U?E
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18D Northern Nevada City straddling river supplies crack (3-5) O???I??? 2D Developing form, one being deceitful (twice omitting year) is getting involved in conflict (10) ?????I?I?? 5D Piano's buried...
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14A Deceiver since welcomed by diminutive Liberal (6) ?E?S?L 23D It moves when chewing toast (4) C???
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1D Here, as a rule, orgasm can be arranged under pressure? (7,7) ?????G?P???O?? 15D Profligate seeing less swinging around dodgy den (10) ??U???E???
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21A R?I?S City centre ultimately within borders (5) 20D ?G?S?? Pushes horse in front over (4,2) 27A ?A?S?? Arts graduate is running fashion house (6)
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53A Horseshoe-shaped group of mountains in Antartica (8) ?E?R?N?T
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15D Immature, holding in misplaced teardrops? (9)???W???R 14A Person with no time regarding ethical issues (5) S???L
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Please can you help? 20A Perhaps she's a celeb on the rocks? That can be said (13) ?R?N???C?A?N?
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24A ??I???O?R? Old Unionist died from one stab with blade - this could help contact him (5,5) 19D ?M???A City that's the big smoke? (6)
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2D R?F?N?? Pure kind of brandy found in Burgundy say (7) refined? if so why? 14A ????S? Outre in the extreme, as not even Parisian is (6)
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6A Scottish town that's often ablaze? (4) W??? 7D Ship or chopper? (6) ??T?E?
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13D Love going out fishing after work - little lady's understanding (10) ?N?I?????? 21D Island races attracted sexy girl (5) 25A Afircan fighters in clear essentially (4)
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4D In reality somewhat disheartened by exercises to use keyboard again (6) 9D I'm stupid, I am - one celeb needing rehab (8)

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