14. Look, a tin is in the bog, makes the activity difficult! 15. I see it's a wet start to season 43. Look! it's brilliant a hiding this little one 47. The strange kiwi spun round and enjoyed this...
1. Where did he court Mary Jane - bare headed? (2,6,4) 6. What would 'awaken the dead' (4'1,6,4) 13. Who might be tossd up n his own 2 blankets (3,7,6) 18. Who did @the great Argyle' lead to war (3,9)...
Chef, Duke Ceaden mixes one North of the border (2 words)
48. Does messenger of God ring clock bells (2 words)
79. Are they contests that light?
82. It will spoil a chat if he changes the subject...