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1Ac Dense cosmetics container (7) ??????T 11Ac Heavy kitchen appliance has only answer (7) ??????A 18Ac Harsh judgement that doesn't flow easily (5,8) ????E ???????? 24D Stroke of luck, finding s worm...
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6D Pensioner finds money dangerously near Scotsman (11) ??????A?I?N 16D A doctor solves clue about a new vehicle (9) ??B?L???? 1Ac Hart turned out to be a mammal (4) ???? Could this be DEER Thank you....
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Jean Genie
27a Powerful swinging punch, especially in a boxing march (8) ???m?k??...
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11 Ac A person who is infinitely wise and all-knowing (10) ?M?O???E?T (Surely this is OMNIPOTENT) 3D Traditional footwear of North American Indians; also a genus of pit viper (8) ?O???SIN ( MOCASSIN...
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10 A the right or state of self government I have -u-o-a-y
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17 D Devoted admirer says he is a procrastinator (8) ?D?????? 26 Ac Test out cake in court of justice (8) ????U??28 Ac Plunder fellow soldier (8) ????E?A? Thank you....
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John was a salesman's delight when it came to any kind of unusual gimmick. His wife Marsha had long ago given up trying to get him to change. One day John came home with another one of his unusual...
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Struggling to get started with this one today,1Ac Person delivering a sermon about pain accepted by pair (8) P???C??? 11Ac School uniform initially grabbed by journalist with feline, Eastern (7)...
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13 Ac Everytime lass endlessly struggled to accept procedure (6) ?L?A?S. Could this possibly be PLEADS, if yes then why as can't really see the connection. Thank you.
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At last fame, 1D is my christian name. Janice
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15Ac A type of window with diamond-shaped panes set in lead or other materials. (7) L???I?? Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
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Good morning everyone and welcome to the first week of the new contest, which in between everything else we'll try to pack into this busy month, we'll somehow try and remember to do each Saturday...
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Mineral used in glass and ceramics 22a 10 letters m-a-o-l-n- is it meadowland. Thanks in advance.
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5d. Philanthropic, benign. I have ?E?E?O?E?T 23a. Bring, tedious. I have U?E???T?N? 21d. A breed of gun dog that can be American or British I have C???E? Help please
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I loves bags, I have in excess of 30, hence the handle. Enjoy your day.
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Morning all :-) Stuck on two today which intersect - worse luck. 6D Hebrew prophet of Old Testament? O---I-H Is it Obediah? 11A Member of a primitive or uncivilised people? ---B-R-A-
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This must be the first week in a long long time when nobody seems to need any help. Is the crossword getting a bit too easy now, or are we all becoming too efficient on Google? At my age I can't...
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9a lots a ???????? ??? one? thanks in advance
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Just need last one 12 Ac Lake in front of dry den.(4) L?E? Is is something to do with den? Thought I was going to manage both telegraph xwords without any help today, just books but this one has me...
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24d Promises to pay maiden inside coming up from Scandinavian country.(5) S?O?I Sure all letters are correct but can't get anything to fit. Help please!!

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