Check out this website where you have to guess if person in the pictures is a Computer Geek or Serial Killer! I got 8 out of 10 right.
Have you done anything recently that's suddenly made you feel very young or very old? Amusing tales very welcome. :-) I'll tell you mind in answers! :-)
This link is actually hilarious. Make sure you have the sound on and watch the little guy in the white shirt... he is loving life. Lol
hey anyone still out there know how I can share a video clip with you all? I know how to host a picture online and share that here, but what if I have a video file I want to share? any place online...
Let's see if this works... I wanted to share this hilarious video...try to have your sound on and watch this, it cracked me up!! (poor doggie) (and thanx to neddy for the...
1- They have a lot of data but are still clueless. 2- A better model is always just around the corner. 3- They look nice and shiny until you bring them home. 4- It is always...
sg, got a job fo me? What's this I hear about a virtual art gallery....I have to admit, I'm partial to modern and contemporary...but let's have it! sg, I'd love to see some of your...
Last week I posted this: click here I wanted you all to know that I didn't send him any letter, e-mail, message, or call for days...when we did make contact (which we both badly wanted to...
To all those of you who have helped me before...I need your advice again now, more than ever... I would like to ask, and mainly the guys' opinion... If you are upset and disappointed in your...
I'm putting together a Cheesy Music CD for a friends party but I'm struggling to think of any absolute corkers!! Can you help me??? I'm talking songs like: Timmy Mallet - Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny... The girl's good! "Human: discuss the penisALICE: That's an interesting question. I'll come back to that in a minute.Human: I'll be soft...
have been trying to solve this logic problem for ages but i can't do it - can any of you help me - i know i should have put this in quizzes...
Before I discovered AB, I uesd to be really goof at my Job and get lots of work done, but since I've discovered it, I hardly get any work done now! Am I the ony one or do others suffer?
Hi There, This is my first day as a registered user to chatterbank. I have been watching for a few weeks though. I am a real new user. Not a fake one. Please believe me.