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Definitely one of the easier weeks, I think, helped by one of those 'impossible-to-get-wrong' questions (where all three responses are correct) as well. So my score of 5 isn't exactly fantastic but...
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Good morning everyone - a lovely sunny Autumn morning, a bit on the nippy side, but they say rain later on ...well I'm not complaining, the rain has been a bit late this year and we need a bumper...
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Nice 'n' easy this week, I think, which might explain why I actually managed to score rather better than usual, with 5. Any takers?
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Jno posted a link to the Guardian's University Challenge quiz on my BBC quiz thread last Friday. I think that it deserves a wider audience, so (for all you brainboxes out there) here it is:...
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Good morning everyone - well the rain has arrived, finally, and coming down very steadily, giving everything a lovely soaking, and boy does it need it !! Oh well, inside chores for me today, plus the...
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Fairly straightforward, I think, this week - so I'm expecting to see some high scores from you lot! Despite that though, I could only manage 4 (which is, I suppose, one better than I usually get!):...
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She's visible here in Twickenham in the western sky about 25-30 degrees above the horizon. Only light showing.
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Good morning everyone - a bit damp and dismal here today, but then i wasn't planning to go away so happy to stay put, warm and dry !! Hope everyone is coping ok with the various aspects of being in...
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A reference, on another thread, to people using Zoom for quizzes suddenly reminded me that I'd not put up this week's BBC Quiz thread yet. So here it is. However, having only scored my usual paltry 3...
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For the small handful of (perhaps slightly insane?) people here who enjoy tackling my crosswords, here's another one - and it's 60% bigger than normal! As usual, it's non-cryptic, with slang terms,...
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It's over two years since I last compiled a crossword for ABers to try their hand at but, knowing that one or two of you might be looking for something to overcome the boredom of being cooped up, I've...
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Good morning everyone - and just in time for the weekend the lovely Autumn weather took a turn for the worst and went to cold, wet and very windy much for getting some time out in the sunshine...
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A disastrous start for me this week, with the first 4 all wrong. However I managed better from then on, to achieve my regular score of 3. Still easy enough to beat though, I think!...
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I have just started on Daniel Defoe's A journal of the Plague Year Sobering stuff...
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Is anyone else having a problem with this provider or is it local to West Wales ?
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Good morning everyone - a bit on the warm side today, but I don't think it will last .....not that it matters, stuck inside as we all are ......nobody has started clapping yet, it might take a while...
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A half-decent score of 4 for me this week: Brainiac has already reported his/her score on another thread but I won't repeat it here in order to save...
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Good morning everyone - our run of lovely days continues, mild and sunny, with just a nip in the air at night that reminds us to break out the bed socks - it's almost been too good to be true - March...
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Yes, I know that I'm posting this ridiculously late this week but the side-effects of my chemo treatment prevented me from getting to my computer earlier on. I hope that most of the regulars, and...
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Good morning everyone - I seem to be getting my dose of bad luck a day late - today is behaving like Friday 13th !! Losing an entire list of Online shopping has been the latest trick, and of course I...

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