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Could anybody please let me know the title of the music played in this film
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We are claiming Pension Credit and to make things a little easier we are considering becoming a host family to overseas students. How much are we allowed to earn before our Pension Credit is affected...
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12ac My word is a culmination of reliability (1 3 ) I/ -A- 17ac Question a line one with a collection of properties (6) ---L-- 21ac Range prepared endlessly good cakes given recipe ( 3 6 ) --- /...
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1dn Allied forces charge surrounding Germany - exciting (8) F-D-R-C- 19dn Spacious after ejecting commander (unpleasant) (6)...
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23dn Example of faithfulness following assertion at wedding (4) -I-O
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3dn High kinks - I goround river in winter sport (9) S-I-O-I-G 13ac Holmes initially brought in concerning deceased one in Conan Doyle story (3 4 ) R-D/-E-D Is it REDHEAD ?...
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I think Apple have changed their website.Previously all I had to do was connect my iPod and then transfer any new downloads.Now,however,when I connected my iPod it shows the items I have...
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19ac Britons put together a piece of artillery (3 3) -O- / M-M ? 26ac Engineer stole into Italian vessel (7) I/E???T 20dn Charts number of operations in smelly environment (3 4 ) --P / ???G...
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1dn. Military expert's certainly German not French (4) J-N- Could it be Jane ? 23dn. 13's work (Colette) appearing in America (4) -R-- 27ac. Notes requirement left unfinished ? I start to complain (5)...
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20ac Singer in restaurant mostly what caller perceives (4 4 ) -I-L/LINE 21dn John upset after getting duck here ( 4 ) I-A-...
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22ac Sound of car.I note,is to interpose (4 2) -O-N/-N Could it be JOIN IN ?
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4dn Unappetising food,say,with spots,served up (6) -T---E Could it be STODGE ? 5dn Take little things wrongly ? About to go crazy after upset (6)-I---R 6dn Isolated lodge without contents unoccupied...
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This anagram is a book title :- GOBOYFRIENDMETOO...
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Anagrams of catchphrases or advertising slogan 21 Pinch drunk covers girth 22 Another mitten down 23 Had two cups...
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4dn Christian in Asia or Eastern Europe
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All of these questions are in two parts and each answer has to rhyme 3. To find manuscript reshape past- simple ! (10) The answer should rhyme with BEST 12. Taxi goes round Scottish island,ends up in...
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During WW2 were any of the British war cemeteries in France damaged or was there an unwritten understanding that they should be left alone ?
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49dn Centre for yoga and meditation (6) -S-R-M
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156 ac Offhandedly (4) I--Y 312 dn Logo sticker (5) DE-A-...
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Can anybody give me a simple remedy for getting tea stains off cups and mugs please

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