Called the DT this morning and they confirm that this should be sent to their London address (111 Buckingham Palace Road) and they apologise for the confusion - so I post this to save spending more...
can anyoon help with any of the following: 182 C in S F 2 the O E P N 3 N of H S M F 2 S of T L on D L 4 Fon aT 18 T S F 25 A P 7 A T H PJ B 7 C in the S of M 10 S of F 11 N of O W by T 32 W S on a C...
1. Form of emboidery used in Bayeux Tapestry? C*E*E*W*R* 2 Spanish accent (written). I think it's ~ but type is too small! T*L*E Many thanks in advance and Merry Christmas!
white,soft-bodied parasite found in decaying dairy product (6,4) form of abstract expression often giving a sense of movement (2,3) Hope you can help please
34a Organic substance present in sour milk, also produced by the muscles during strenuous exercise L-C-I-A-I- 46a Informal term for a chaplain in the armed services P---E 47d coffee or tea with a...