In the new Spiderman film, Peter Parker is bitten by a genetically engineered super-spider that had the best jumping ability, best this and best that, so would it not have had the strongest venom? If...
In the TV series 'The Incredible Hulk' the character's name was David Banner. Does anyone know why this was changed from 'Bruce Banner' as it appeared in the comics ?
Please could I have your views on every premiership team. I need to know what players you think each club should buy and how much you think each club has to spend over the summer. Cheers.
Does anyone remember the cartoon Paw Paw Bears? I was with a group of friends discussing late 80/early 90's cartoons and no-one could remember it. Someone please say they remember it too? Don't make...
Charlie Drake (comedian on tv in the 60s and 70s). I can't find out much about him on the internet. If he is still alive he'd be 77. Anyone know? Thanks