Each time I click on an item in recent posts, the whole panel of posts disappears. Is that happening to anyone else - or have the gremlins got into my pc?
A silly one for any one whos interested. Give one line of a song who ever gets it (just the song will do but if your cleaver the artist as well) gets to do the next one. it can be anywhere in the...
Goodbye cruel world i have had enough goodbye friends and friends who think they are my enemy the end is nigh if i don't post tomorrow i have finally done it
Its been peeing all day and now its thundering and lightening down in the South East. Feels like a late Autumn day. Has our summer been and gone? I think I must have blinked and missed it ><
Troll patrol if youre out there , heres a little something for you i found whilast surfing this afternoon. http://www.meatandcheese.co.uk/acatalog/trollp atrol.html You like ??? DTH?