the last posting i will make for a while. last night mrskawa posted a cry for help in cb. i dont belive dirty washing should be hung out for all to see. thank you for all the lafs you have all given...
hi there i know i am not going to get sensible answers, but please try, im confuddled enough with this heat. I have noticed some abers names are in green what does this mean? it just intrigues me as...
and it looks a glorious one. I am going to be good and force myself to do some housework..then it is off to town for a bit of retail therapy-whoopeee!........or should I be realistic and just ditch...
the only person lurking around here who cannot come up with an intelligent, meaningful question? I feel diminished an somewhat depressed: however. .I'll try: how many hedgehog does it take to fly a...
amster dam i lv it so does the bitch ( him him thats staying here my ribs are well broken /) ) hahhhahhahhahhaha cant calm down need to go to work in morn welllllll hahahah eeeeeeeeee my god...
well had a good day and a night xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx god well gone i is so is me company xxxxxxx plese tell them to go to bed xxx well shout at them as im as nuts as them xxxxxxxxx good evening xxxx
not seen you on here the day are you ok or does any one know wats up with her and were is knobster mate xxxxxxxxx and legends word of the day or have i missed that one xx lol
Mini Boo played outside all morning, then after a trip to the park earlier has been zonked out snoring on the sofa for the past hour and half. The heats totally floored her. Fingers crossed for a long...
simon cowells face she was a great talentest wasnt she dont know how long ago this was just come across it 6 years old she will go far xxxxxxxxxxxxxx monty connie wer is she now xxxxxxxxx
A friend is having a fancy dress party and 'The Oscars' is the theme... to make it easier you can go as famous people or characters out of a film?I have dark hair and relatively curvy! Any ideas...