I have two bags of jelly tots tonght...would anyone like one? http://www.blightys.com/images/Rowntrees_Jelly _Tots.jpg I eat them in order of colour tho, so its Yellow to start...
♫♫♫♫Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy birthday dear caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzz Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy birthday...
im thinking about joining a gym .are you a member of a gym have you stuck to it? or is it a waste of money and better of walking and biking .which i do already but not much ....as im lazy lol
And the start of another glorious week in ABland Morning everyone, hope you all had a fantastic weekend, now let's get posting questions and general chit-chat
hello to old and new haven't been on since december apart from going into internet cafe once with my daughter........ anyway since my computer got fixed this evening i just wanted to say hi especially...
1) Who puts the rubbish out in your house? 2) have you ever bought a gift for someone and ended up keeping it? 3) Have you ever eaten something that you hate not to offend someone? 4) Have you been...
Isn't free speech wonderful all the reponses to the Ashley Cole affair couldn't have been expressed better , If you could get on a "Soap Box" what would you rant and rave about?t
Sorry, everyone, I went to bed! Hau kola, so you're going up to visit weeal! When are you going? Pasta - Cassie's actually called Cassiopaeia and her sister, Romy, is Andromeda. I hope your daughter...
Anyone going to see Panic At The Disco on their UK tour this March? Im going to see them at Glasgow Academy. I am officially the most excited I have ever been about anything... EVER! xx
A few weeks ago I was feeling quite depressed. The last couple of days I was feeling quite good, however, I am now feeling down again. I'm feeling a bit emotional actually and I don't know what to do...
My main computer has a hard drive ( 250 GB capacity ) partitioned into drives C, D, E, F and G. The computer is split into 2 accounts, ie one for my wife and one for myself. When the computer reaches...