me and my friend are gettin reli bored so we want to have a day out where we do something reli random that will be a laugh and fill the hours. Something that is within 2 hours travel of london and the...
i heard a song on a scrubs episode at the end and i know that some of the lyrics were 'now im sitting next to you, ive changed my point of view'. i know thats incredibly vague but if anyone knows the...
Should i buy Warioware:Smooth Moves or Excite Truck for my wii? Or possibly Tiger Woods? I want whichever one is most fun multiplayer but has a fairly decent single player mode.
Recently one of my msn contacts opened a conversation with me with the opening 'lol wtf who put this picture of you online' and then gave a link to a site that was something like
I am 15 and a complete adrenaline junkie. my 14th birhtday is soon and i don't know what to needs to cost about 35 pounds and be for about 6 people. I'd rather do something reaaly different and...
what is the song at the end of the scrubs episode called 'my boss's free haircut'. Its the one where dr.kelso becomes a real doctor again and turk nd carla r havin marriage problems. much appreciated...
Why the hell does the shrink in the directors cut tell donnie that his pills are placebo's? What does this mean? Please help as i could just grasp the storyline but that bit confuses me.