Which loch in scotland has the largest expanse of freshwater? Would you say expanse means biggest surface of water or biggest volume of water? Also - Who was scotland's first hero - Robert the Bruce...
1 Level followed by the monarch? 2 to pick plus 2 men's names? 3 is this chess piece short of money plus a letter ? 4 does this spy sell you printed information? 5 junk plus a boy's name? 6 an insect...
daughter was suspended with pay, for 3 weeks, when someone made unfounded allegations against them at nursery. Thro' spite more than genuine concern is the feeling. Media picked up on it, then the...
is able to exist initially right round america -, a negative response in greeting -, the confused fled -, small advertisement out right success -, upset bear necessity, perhaps -.
upset bear necessity, perhaps - , a tool of conflict - , fashionable, before now -, i'm wrong, am i -, heard to be encouraging purchase -, nickname, nothing backwards -.
headless rodent given to a managing director mistakenly? tail end of biting insect? small disc jockey alias strange rat? harbour of a french king? over the top and away endlessly?
sounds like a quarter day killing? chief or main and to mistrust? fe and the edge or margin? john thaw and dennis waterman cop show? they have beein in a few together so i will take the most popular...
after suffering depression i have now started a new job with a charity. As i am getting incapacity benefit, or a back to work entitlement i am over the weekly threshold for tax. My employers say as i...
my husband was bemused to see bright orange like dragonfly in our garden, which seemed to look like a fish with 3 sets of wings. On looking in various books we think it might have been a damselfly....
If person sells part of garden as a plot for a house do they have to pay huge taxes on profit made?? If the sale of land is needed to rewire and reroof main residence, can the money made be used to...
Brother moved back, supposed to be temporarily, to family home after break up of his relationship over 4 years ago. Our dad recently died and now mum has had serious operation but still in hospital....