Greetings, I've heard a song recently, and despite my efforts to find it online, I've had no luck at all. The lyrics are as follows. Come Around on the Floor Clear the haze the night before Kick my...
oh god please help, i knew a song in the 80's, i think it may of been from hit 80 of album of same type. the only words i recall are some like this, not in order "dance for a while and let me baby,...
21 down - Associate chap with one who once lit the way l*n***n? Probably lantern? but why? 28 across Restaurant owner has lire sent off to french banker. s***elier. Perhaps statelier but why?
Stuck on two: 10ac. Time off in the Highlands (4) N?O? NOON seems promising; seems to mean a mid-day break but not particularly Scottish? 12dn. I aim to have time for university exam (2,4) I?T?S? Any...
Can anyone please help, l have tried to find out these questions but to no avail, 24a Coral Islets (c-o-)and 228a 0range liqueur (-r-a-a).l have several in mind but they do n ot fit. many thanks in...
I tried these two questions yesterday with no luck,as it is due to be posted this is my last try, The answer is a town or village in dumfries and galloway. 1/robbies glazed poem is here ( meaning...
My 18 month-old siamese cross was hit by a car 4 days ago. He has been with the vet ever since. We know that he has a fracture of the pelvis and an injury to his tail. The concern at the moment is...
It is a film about people escaping, possibly from Nazis during the war, and they are told that if they walk through sewers they will reach the sea. So they walk for days and days and when they...
A long tailed, feathered vertebrate of the turaco family whose call fancifully resembles its name. 2-4,4. Is it a go-away bird? Point d' 10 letters : fine bobbin lace similar to Brussels lace, with...
Could anyone please help with answers to the following cryptic film quiz. 77. observe the venison guy 78. Nuture the victorious bread 79. Adam's second son 93. Small group article 94. Wood adhesive...