Please can I have a clue to the following questions. All answers can be flora, fauna, farming etc.
1. Male deer and a game (4,6)
2. Quiet Irish Lake (6)
Thank you....
Please can you give me a clue to the following dingbat. The answer is a film:
a. Lay
b. Lei
c. Ley
d. Lei (this is underlined) Eagle
e. Ley
f. Lay
Many thanks....
hi is any one doing this quiz have gone brain dead
any help or clues please, no numbers so
on the left going down 4,5,8,9.
on the right going down 2,3,6,7. thanks for any help...
Please can you give me clues to the following: 15. *a**e* / **u***e by *o* / a** / ea** 37. *oo***o** by *a***e**' / *ou**e** / *o**o** 47. *a**a*e** / e***e** by **o*** / **i***/ a** / *a** 52. *o**...
Please can I have a clue to the following films with girls names in the title: 1. Another name for daybreak 2. The name of two flowers 3. If the trafffic lights are stuck on this colour it would be...
Please can I have clues to the following:
Answer is a bird:
1. Cross here (7)
Answers have ANT at the end:
1. Nescafe type of ant (7)
2. A worshipping ant (11)
Thank you for your help....
Please can I have a clue to the following anagrams. Answers are items found in a christmas stocking:
1. spin clean spend
2. one pale grandpa
3. devon gloss cask
Many thanks....
Running out of time for this quiz and I still need to find a lot of these logo's. So I will start by asking a couple at a time, any clues would be appreciated....
I'm having huge problems identifying the logos (and cartoon characters) in this quiz, how is everyone else doing? Can anyone help with these logos.... fuzzy blue circle logo with a white dot and a...