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Another of my teenage crushes has fallen off his perch.  
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It’s with a very heavy heart that I have to tell you that Mrs Sqad has asked me to let you know that Sqad passed away on New Year’s Day. He had been quite unwell recently as many of you realised... ...
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Hello I've mislaid the address for the setter, can anyone supply it please?  
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For an offence committed BEFORE my detox...   Good start to the new year...  
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The answers are all well known phrases or sayings 2. C and D - is it as simple as Cats and Dogs?
30. E C E G 40.  F W Help appreciated
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As you all probably know, I am alone,a bit frightened,and rather isolated here. My two friends,who have been looking after me,since my breavement,are not back from their hols till Thursday. So I now... ...
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Any ideas for TLS or TT of L I. or FW?
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I went for Christmas carols to a new church, but we sat on cold wooden pews with no heat on. I, plus a few others who attended, (not many), sat with coats and scarves on all evening. I haven't... ...
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The other day I sent my daughter some flowers from a very well known company. They were Felton time and are beautiful. However - inside the box was a leaflet with 3 headings. Rose's, Freesia's and... ...
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When I was young my parents and grandparents were forever complaining about the cost of everything.   'How much?  I remember when it was half a crown' sort of scenario. Now things seem expensive to... ...
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So I have been out for several meals this past 12 months with my grandparents, one 82 the other 80 (although they don't look it). I noticed that going on these meals how much they find fault with... ...
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I have absolutely no idea where or how it came about, but I simply do not have the TV on in the daytime Mon - Fri. I just do not put it on until 6pm lol. Weekends don't count lol. I know it's... ...
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It's probably just me but I felt that CTM has really gone off. I endured it rather than enjoyed it. Don't know what it was but I didn't enjoy it very much at all. Anyone else feel like me?
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I will be on my own this Christmas Day. So I am so surprised (but probably shouldn't be) just how many people, new friends,who are looking after me. One family(with 5 ki8ds) took me for drinks in... ...
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Here we go again with the Daily Express clickfall headlines. quote, Mystery Illness surging through Britain, after christmas parties, covid cases rocket.unquote. Don't you just love the media.... ...
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Got cream about two weeks ago from doctor but it hasn't helped.  Anything I can do myself as I won't be able to see doctor before Christmas.  First time for me and think it is coming from having... ...
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There are a series of adverts for a dating agency and one of them shows a picture on a wall. The man looking at it puts his tongue out and the woman he is with laughs. Is the painting a famous one... ...
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abbeylee90   ...
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I have heard he is in a nursing home - will he ever get out.  I miss his contributions so much.  He was great.
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I'm having problems with getting going with my new Tens machine and would appreciate help. It's a Comfytemp one which had good reviews on Amazon but as I'm old (!!!) I can't work out how to use... ...

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