2d Light gas without energy floats around tank to begin with (3,3) is non ?A? If I'm right
4d oh, golly! Falling - not seriously - for society girl(5,9)
I have H?L?Y ?O?I?H?L?Y...
8d Talk show hostess upset about threat to whales(7) looks like harpoon but why hostess etc?
13a Dido? Singer that produces high notes(4) I have L?R?...
Classic of the Chinese to install Bible for church in Washington(6) I have ?I?R?G Finally appear with one dropping round security equipment(8) I have ?H?E?D?R looks like shredder but can't parse...
I looked at this to answer a question here As ever, these crosswords are harder than cryptics in the sense you have no confirmation that you are right This clue I didn't see Summer cooler The answer...
11a I concur that woman must catch a bird (4,4) is HEAR HEAR: a female pronoun contains A and a flightless bird. Her around a but what is the flightless bird please? 24a Spot hook picked up for one to...
Flash character purchasing hot material (6) is mohair. I got it but don't understand this parsing
A flash (short period of time) + ‘character’ round H (hot) = cloth made from goat hair...