11 across in law, person who applies to a higher court for the reversal of a legal decision 8 A?P??L???
9 down low upholstered seat withour a back or arms, sometimes in the form of a chest 7 ???O??N...
52 across 5 ballroom dance ???T?
52 down very small 5 ?EE?Y
53 down goad and provoke ??U?T
the third letter of 52 across is first letter of 53 down getting realy stuck now...
1 across brief 5 S????
2 down supervise 7 ??E???E
3 down huge numbers (informal) 9 ??I???O?S
10 across new mexico town 3,6 D?????M?S
20 across rub hard 5 S?R?F...