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Spike's lost boy(4)N*B* and Soldier's coach-Metropolitan might be where to see it(5) G*B*S Ideas welcomed please...
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Taking the offensive to take out the offensive(10) *O*D*E**** Grace from which came bliss(9) **V*L*E** and He wrote about yesterdays(and the day before) (9)T***I*S*N I want to be able to go and see...
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Can I run this one past everybody again, please. Your Miltonic hell suggesting Dionysus' follows(7) *H*AD*S Pretty sure the letters are right. A real teaser....
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Your Miltonic hell suggesting Dionysus followers(7) *H*AD*S Help please
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Navy has strangely honourable one who apparently led the way into dangerous waters(7)N*HS*O* Frustrating!...
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Reported worshipper telling tales of Viking warriors(8) *R*S*I*N Opera composer,a German and once a very important one we hear(6) *E*S*R Ideas welcomed please...
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Usual problem with the short answers Noah's grandson, as his companion(5) I*H** sea god spun to order (6) *O*T*S...
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clothing for women(10) *A*I*S*E*N Pretty sure everything else is ok though the last letter could be R rather than N. Church official could be sexton or rector. A tad confusing......
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Just the one this week after last week's pudding. Nancy Mitford's "sort of fearfully nice gym mistress" (7) B***O*D. Does not ring a bell. Any rings please?...
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totally stuck - page's name in Shakespeare comedy ??R?A???; Overworked folk like one of the Shelleys going downhill? S?????O? ????; Girl with author of a month in the country that's a country girl in...
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A vessel that appears quite tight(2,6,4) *E/***E*U/*V** Odd combinations of letters but I think the other clues are right...
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Completely(2,2,3,4) **/T*/**E/*I*T Provide an example of(11) ******T*A*E Involving motion in one direction(7)******* Help please. Panic button to be pressed in a minute!...
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I have R*O*E. Pretty sure about the letters, but have looked at it for too long. Ideas please.
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I have an i as the last letter, a k as the third and possibly an s as the 5th. So **K*S*I Getting nowhere fast....
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I have S*N*O**** Help please. And "Jack" possibly, corrupt as a deviant(10) A***C*E*U* Perplexing....
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I think it is an anagram of a herb mine, but cannot get the letters to work. Is it something like Brahmeine?
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**t*o*t Perplexing. I thought dice might be cut at the beginning but have got no further....
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I have **I*N-*E*E* Help appreciated...
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Kid in nameless book by nameless author(8) B*U*B*N Have looked at it for too long......

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