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I've completely lost interest since she got married , does nothing for me anymore................. .................She had her chance
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my laptop is running really slow, mainly whilst using the internet. a pop up keeps appearing telling me that my virtual memory is full, i havent a clue what this means or how to sort the problem. can...
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Just watching Griff Ryhs Jones mucking about on the river , why is his dog wearing a life vest ? Seems a bit superfluous to me
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hi all, where on this site do you read and send messages to other ABers please? i used to go into sport. but i cant seem to see anything in there anymore for that kind of thing. thanks for any help...
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I have just installed the new messenger and can no longer access the 'send page by email' and 'send link by email' which I find really useful. This happened once before and some kind person on A bank...
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its not spinal or its not whiplash as ive had whiplash loads of times,,its not on my spine,,,but has been here a week now,,today its intollerable,,and i dont know where it came from,,trapped nerve...
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Hi I am trying to open a basic bank account for a previously homeless person who is now in permanent nursing care. I have a cheque which needs to be cleared as well as regular benefit cheques. I have...
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Does anyone know of a free site that will unlock my phone please?
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If so, what do you think of it? Good or bad?
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Hi When I try to access 'my profile' I am getting a MS VBScript error 800a0401. Is anyone else having this problem?
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Morning answerbankers. Can anyone tell me what BEST internet security is. I used to have a Mac but sadly it became very poorly and died. I am now using my laptop for internet banking etc, we have...
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I was in Cavan recently & was shown a monument to an IRA volunteer killed locally . I've been trying to find some info online but am out of ideas . Here is a link to a photo...
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1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down. 2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice! 3. Every Time...
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Before the do-gooders blast my Q, think about our lads coming back in coffins on a regular basis, Think of Hiroshima!! that stopped the war.
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Defence Minister Bob Ainsworth, on behalf of the Government, is to challenge in the Appeal Court the amount of compensation paid to two of our soldiers, one wounded in Iraq, the other in a training...
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Dee Sa
I dont seem to have much luck with shredders. I have an Advent shredder from Maplin and now it will only work in reverse, is there anything I can do other than get another and if so any...
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How do transfer all my settings , extensions & themes from Firefox 3.5 standard browser (if that's the right term) Firefox Portable on my pen drive?
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I was sad to learn that Teletext is coming to an end (does anyone know why?) and just hope BBC Ceefax is not going the same way. If it does I shall seriously consider living without television. So...
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A teacher was asking her class what their fathers did. When she asked young Johnny, he said, "My father's dead, Miss." "Oh, I am sorry, Johnny. In that case, what did he do before be died?" "He went...
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A man had an IQ of 168 and he was finding it really difficult to make friends with normal people, so he went to see what his doctor could do for him. As luck would have it, the Doc had just purchased...

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