what word derived from the greek meaning 'find' is applied to a computer program which attempts to improve its performance by learning from its own experience
With Labour's humiliation at the polls, maybe Blair will realise he can't just make decisions on behalf of the country without the consent of the people. What do you think?
When we sleep, some of us slather on the pillow and its not nice when we wake up? Is there any reason WHY its happening and is there anyway to stop it?
following a previous question, I'v just cracked the code (i think) and although I'm not saying what it is, you need to replace the numbers with letters. there are also numbers in there to throw you...
When using Word, I often use the 'home' key to take me to the beginning of a line. However, these last few days it hasn't worked. Have I somehow disabled it? Does anyone have any idea how I can get it...
When I go onto a particular website I often get a message that says 'A runtime error has occurred - do you wish to debug?' If you press yes, Microsoft Script Editor appears, but I am puzzled to know...
We survived 1999/2000. What I wish to know is how long have we got left according to some people's beliefs? When will I witness the 'Rapture'? When will comet 'die allearthlings' smash into the...
Abgesehen von ?Inselaffe? (die wirklich nicht sehr verbreitet ist), gibt es anderen abwertenden deutschen Phrasen f?r die Briten? Und andere Nationalit?ten (wie z.B. ?K?sk?p? f?r Niederl?nder)?
What's the difference btween saying 'Please can I be excused from the table' and 'Please May I be excused from the table?' When I was young, we used to have to ask to leave the table after a meal (and...