1 across, EARTH:- C?A?B?R I noticed that people have put CLABBER for this answer and would be grateful if you could advise where this answer was found as I checked clabber and the answer given is...
1 across earth c???b?r
13 down left alone ?n?t?e???d
28 down assembly m???r?g
37 across find faults with r?p???e??
60 down get by threat e??o??
77 across adaptable v?r?a?i?e...
Can't resolve 28 A Lower pitched D***E* with 23D Move Sideways S*D**
I thought answers were sidle and duller but it is sidle not sidel.
Can anyone please help....
Can anyone help please I seem to be stuck in top corner.
8a Group of words ( 6 ) ? r ? ? ? e
4d Popular gemstones P ? R ? ? ? ?
Thank you . Hope these letters are right....
17 down no strong feelings?yes,soya can be used e?s???y
23 down a nits upset is not brief ???t
25 across son`s rip off in peterhead and perth perhaps p?i????...
14 down changes t?a?s?o??? 34 across trouble maker n?i?a??e 39 across cheeky wee girl b?s?? 52 down immature c?i??i?? 91 down loiters l?n?e?s 120 across workman put over others 6-4 c?a??e?e?d...
56 across fred ... former bank boss 3-4 ?o????n
74 across vessel using inshore waters c?i?t?r
76 across senior councillor ?a?l?e
79 across quarrels r??t?
84 down stubborn c?m?t?i?y...