Well I am really p****d off Nikki has been voted off X Factor and that brother and sister act Same Difference are through to the final. Nikki has an amazing voice and she's gone. Same Difference are...
Does anybody think that the guy who plays Mark Dingle in Emmerdale is completely hopeless. I think he overacts big time. Some cast are really good but he is absolutely hopeless just like Charlie from...
Watched and only saw some of the recipe of Anthony Thompson Worrell's (I think) Creamy potato and fish pie. What was the sauce he used - missed that bit.
Hi again. Was out last night and was a little bored. I could not see the watch I had on cos I did not have my spectacles with me. Can anybody suggest a watch that !lights up" but not a tacky watch or...
Was out last night and taped "The Street" 9.-10 Unfortunately since I dont tape a lot I had forgotten to set the clock of my video back the one hour in October and of course the earlier programme came...
Does anyone know where I can buy blank audio and video tapes please, none of the shops seem to sell them any more. I've got a tape player in my car and want to record stuff to play on it, I've also...
Hi - Have just bought a slow cooker and bought a recipe book as well. Unfortunately it doesnt give me a recipe on how to cook roast beef. Have done chicken thighs last night and the meat turned into...
Anybody have a nice recipe for homemade tomato soup. I am going to try and lose weight after Christmas and I like tomato soup but know nothing is good for you out of a tin - anyway it is so...
Does anybody hate Christmas. I never liked it from when I was young and I loathe buying presents for people who dont appreciate them when I know there are starving people all over the world. Also...
had a mammogram recently? I went the other day and I'd been told it was really painful, but to be honest, it was uncomfortable having your boobies squished - but not painful. Has anyone else found it...