a rotating conveyor, the queen can never say this, a scottish mother and i, ropes,together with the smallest of the litters, a girls name with a direction, communist...
in mathematical division what is the number being divided? in which country does the worlds largest christian church stand? what is the name of the line on a map joining the places with the same...
please help i can't get any help from the quizzes section maybe someone can help here. i.e.1485=bob ans battle of bosworth. 1483=ttathotsi, 1787=lcgf, 1895=tiwfcf,1900=wcetp.1969=pnarrsib-catsk,...
many thanks for your help still stuck on some. i.e1926=tgs.ans.the general strike. 1483=ttathotsi, 1634=tmf, 1787=lcgf, 1800=twc, 1835=mtwf, 1885=wfsb, 1887=tcli, 1895=tiwfcf, 1900=wcetp,...
the tie break i need is to follow the following, i deserve to win more than anyone else because................................................................?thanks for trying to help but i didn't...
anybody out there any good at writing tie breakers for a general knowledge quiz i could do with your help as i've racked my brain and just come up with nothing please help many thanks
who is robert davies better known as, the next ones cryptic place names in devon an ineffectual person encases the start of happiness with the french & the next one is weighted boundary river by 2...
a sewing aid with a garden tool, an ineffectual person encases the start of happiness with the french, weighted boundary river by 2 pages of a book and t.