8a leaning back,a boy exercises part of the head -i-g- - -a 6d extra bits in box,belt and buckle finally hauled up 5,5 15a consider clamping journalist on a part of the head 7 -k-u- - -
6d roughly dodge over a gap in line 7 c- - -u-a 34d freakish dry season besets island for ages 7,5 -o- - -y-,- - -a-s 24a wreck large old exhaust 5,2 l- - -e,up
8a leave fox,say,by lake 8 -u-l- - - - 17a notice overlapping left back is pugnacious 7 - - - - -p--6,24 top worker kept fpor rendezvous, when things start to go wrong 4-6,4 - - -a, e- - -e m-t-...
44a add shrubs and feel fine boost for arrangement as far as one can see 2,3,4,2,4,6 8d a pension U turn-------a changed payment into scheme 14 superannuation?
245ad UN acted adly about gold and then titanium without validity 15 un- - - - - - - -c- - - - 5a bush rock only found in Australia 7 a- - - - - - 9a European country not quite an American problem? 7...