Song about me in the country (7) Thought it could have beeb Namibia, but hy? also self-possessedmen might use this to reducefriction () .......and the office of a newsvendor perhaps (6). Many thanks
Just this one. Irregular money offer (6) I have R??D?B which I feel sure are correct------but maybe not!!! Any help as usual greatly received. Many thanks forbyour interest
Fate left in one small house above another one (6). I have ?L?T??. looks like flat?....and another...Girl from another planet (6)....I have ?A?S?A. Could be MARS?A. Thank you again for anyhelp...
Any financial brains out there???? I would be very grateful for any help in answering this question. Roughly how much of the world's money is held in PHYSICAL CASH? 8%, 25%, 52% or 66%? Very many...
sUCCESSFUL POP BAND FORMED IN THE 1990'S (4,4). I HAVE ?A?E ?H?T...ALSO CRYPTIC CLUE happy ending for young boy (4). I have G?A?.. Very many thanksfor your help in advance
cAN NANYONE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT PICTURES A,B, C AND D are please----am not very goods at it altho nearly finished. A 3'6, B 4 C 5, AND D 9. Very many thanks again
Final syllable of word (6). Research shows the answer as ULTIMA-----but I have E?D?N? which I know to be correct----so should the answer beending or do you have other ideas???? Any suggestions very...
Last one - Clue is....Musical minimum? (1-6) It could be C-String or G String. Which one or why? I think G-String. Any ideas? Your response will be greatly appreciated
Last two to do. I thank anyone who can help. Merrymaking created by turning lever on the lines (7)...... and Some of the later inmates had a purgative drug (8) Thanks again
I hope someone can help please. Seems a hard one this weekend. Discharge a French case (6). Started a run round the layers below. (11) and Perhaps the one over there hangs (4,7) I have some letters in...