The snow has fallen overnight and I had to scrape it all off my car. The trouble with being a titch is I can't reach the centre of the windscreen with soaking the front of my coat. Big fat stupid...
I think Lore asked a similar question last night, mine would be:- Mum Dad My Eldest Brother Sorry to be boring, but they are who I'd have. Coz I really miss them.
What does everybody think about the new proposed powers to allow Council Officials to view inside our homes, and to pay extra council tax for houses with panoramic views, patios, counservatories or... was soooo cosy listening to the logs crackling & watching the flames flickering. Mind you, I've just been clearing the ash away - not so cosy doing that! Anyone else done the same yet?
This has been in the news a lot recently, but with mentions only for pyhsical bullying. Whilst I have every sympathy for those children beaten at school (recent injuries shown in the press have been...
We're off to Huddersfield Town Hall in half an hour to see my daughter receive her degree from Patrick Stewart, he of Startrek fame! Yipee!! He's the Chancellor of Huddersfield Uni and lives in...
I just realised that I thought it strange that pixi was going downstairs from the computer as I somehow assumed that everyone had the computer downstairs. Obviously not - dur!!! So - in which room of...
Do you think 'The Sun' newspaper is targeted at those people in our society who are: incapable of independent thought, and unable to reach an opinion on news events without being told what to think...
I want to be a page 3 girl does anyone know the best way about doing this? and if a girl has appeared topless in another text before can she still be a Page 3 girl? Thanks Millie