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Anybody else fed up with pictures news etc of Mary Berry Paul Hollywood Claire Balding Naydia Hussein every day we read about them even in crisis times they appear newspapers television etc. Feel free...
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With Sky now over £65 per month, thinking of cancelling our subscription. Question is will the Sky box still work as a 'sort of video recorder' and will the ability to freeze TV programmes still...
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I've just put Ch4 News on and there does seem to be rather a lot of people protesting. Don't they understand democracy?
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So after four days of frantic flag waving from many walks of life are the Left still hell bent on associating the Union Jack as being Racist? Will the kn*b head Councils filled with anti British...
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anagram rearrange theses letters k l s g p n a r i clue something that we'd like right now
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Just had to repost this as i never knew chatterbank was the general conversation area. Hi, i've been trying to muster up some support for a future strategy where we all dip our hands into our pockets...
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I.Don No
who in the name of chuff decided that Rolf's performance should be cut short for some chappie sitting at a piano, who isn't even from the commonwealth? ps..someone please tell Cheryl Cole that she...
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I've just caught it going through tower bridge and noticed that at the front of the queens boat were two small black dingys on either side, were these the sas? If it was wouldn't the queen be better...
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I.Don No
just had some delivered as a free gift and am not sure how to store them till planting time in Dec-April. any ideas? tia...
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Watching the first of this series with Alistair McGowan. I don't think I will be watching any more. Seems utter tosh to me.
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My mother was a Jew, my father was not. I was put up for adoption at three months. My adopted parents were, supposedly, C of E. I was not circumsised. Am I a Jew or not? Ta Muchly.
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Tuned in but quickly turned off - hadn't realsied Alex Jones was going to be on. Couldn't stand the voice for the whole programme.
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Doctors say they are going to strike over pensions: http://blogs.telegrap...need-a-reality-check/ How many people think that £50,000+ per annum as a pension, financed by tax from largely private...
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What do you reckon?
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...Illegal immigrant with no tax,no insurance crashes stolen car into....... illegal immigrant,no tax,no insurance diving stolen car other person or animal involved,unfortunatley resulting in...
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Is EMA payable in England during official study leave.
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I would like help or comments from those out there with a 'difficult to feed child' My daughter is 9 and has always been what I would call a 'faddy eater', there are some things she likes (very few)...
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The Conservative Party Chairman and expenses fiddler has been caught out again. She has failed to disclose to parliament income from a property she owns. It was only dicovered when she fell out with a...
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Who's going to be watching this farce tomorrow night? I'm not, I'd rather watch paint dry! What a waste of our licence money.

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