2d arena due to be rebuilt for german leader ?d?n?u?r 8a colourful knight quits loving after church ?h?o?a?i? 18d blurred french view includes silver ?a??? 21a Italian detachment surrounding american...
5a eastern woman with short conservative and leader writer (6) ???t?? 6d saint with ring covered with mud and put out of shape (7) ??s?o?t 8d engineers stern, finding limit (8) ??s?r?c?
stuck on quite a few this week 11a maybe flat by chance (10)a?e?d?n?a? 19d being just silly at the end (5) ?a?r? 16a next to each other in the picture(7)?b?e???
one who was not born to rule 7 ??u?p?? go around to produce reversal of attitude 9 t???a?o?t make a higher score without hitting the middle 6 ???h?t in french a colour beyond the end of the visible...