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I am fairly new the politics and you will have to bare with me. But the way I see politics is with alot of the old and new policies there's always the people who gain and the people that lose out, of...
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So the G20 meeting has said: "To help countries with troubled economies, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will get extra resources worth up to $750bn". So if the IMF has done so well do you think...
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Please, please, please I don't want to hear the usual ranty arguments against the existence of God or afterlife, I just want to know why the hatred against religious belief. Nobody today is forced to...
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Is there a legally required minimum turnout for a UK national or local election result to be declared valid?
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Im posting this in response to some of the answers ive received about the arrests and convictions of the people behind the pedo ring in england.I said 700 others are guilty but im told they may be...
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Read this story just makes you think you really dont know who youre talking to online does it? The host of the pedo site was a 27 year old from buxhall in suffolk. Makes you think tho ??...
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Since Pakistan is the majoy training ground for insurgents into Iraq, and the recent statement over Salman Rushdie's knighthood, made by one of it's ministers, and I quote-: If someone exploded a bomb...
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Le Chat
Why in 2007, when there are so, so many contraceptions at hand, has there been an increase of 140k abortions since 2005? The Pill, the coil, condom, femidom, depro provera injection (lasts 6mths-1yr)...
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johnlambert /news/news.html?in_article_id=462879&in_page_i d=1770 noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! may he rest in peace
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2 pints of lager is on. janet is on and i have to say she has a rather tasteful red vest top on.her hair is looking a bit windswept.shes looking very cute.and has an ample facty shes got a...
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People who go to church and have strong beliefs will tell you that god is all mighty and that he will save you. If you tell them that you believe in god in your own way they will normally get mad and...
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For many years Israel and the US refused to negotiate with Arafat and Fatah who wanted Palastine to be a secular state. Now that Hamas has seize control of Gaza, there is now effectively a new Islamic...
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is humanity 'mindless?' (artificial intelligence, the brain, notions of intelligence,consciousness, context/situation/ dependent and any 'limitations')
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AB Asks
A sexual health crisis among Britain's youth is being fuelled by drugs and alcohol a report has shown. There has been a sharp increase in the number of STIs and teenage pregnancies and there is 'no...
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Is no one else worried that we're heading straight into another cold war???? It seems the only thing the US has learnt from the past is to do things in reverse order, as we've already had the new...
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Today was an announcement that mortgages are starting to become 10 times people salaries. Can anyone explain how this scenario below is going to work and make us compete on the world stage. 1) We are...
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Is anyone else surprised at the lack of media coverage? This was, in my humble opinion, a genuine attempt by Israel to secure their country and their security, they knocked the **** out of their...
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Its good to see that at least one country is willing to stand up for itself against the global bully that is american! If the americans truly wanted missile defense they would build it in there own...
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Once again T. Blair tells us what the 'Overwhelming Majority' of Muslims think. Since he can't possibly know do you think this is the same sort of thinking that makes him a 'Convinced' christian. That...
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The last thing Russia wants is another arms race, the last one brought about the collapse of the Soviet Union. But the US have now broken the 1972 Anti Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty with their plans...

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