Five letter name of highly seasoned stew made from game bird meat, mushrooms, truffles and wine, which is also the name of a small town in Russian and was the surname of a 19th-20th century film actor...
What nine letter word is commonly used in connection with politics and is derived from the Italian meaning 'hand struck' or 'hand seized' ? Cannot find anything the looks remotely connected !
15. Forward, this noun is a word that can be applied to a popular female singer, backwards, the word is an adjestive meaning 'eager' or 'greedy', what is the word. 91. What one same five-letter word...
In a certain well known context in the UK, and always in this order, which colour, as indicated by the dash, completes this sequence. Red, Blue, White, Black _____ Black, White ?. In Australian...
What one same five-letter word can precede , line, bag, card, ball, drunk, bowl, and board, to make seven new commonly-used terms ?. I appear to be brain dead on this one. Thank s for any help given.
#127. What one same five-letter word can precede 'cost' 'penalty' 'asset' 'point' 'focus' 'oil' and 'wing' to make seven terms used in widely different contexts ? Going round in circles with this one,...
#39 What two-word Italian musical term, which means 'with movement' in English, instructs that the music should be played in a lively and brisk manner.Cannot find a two word phrase that encompasses...
Picture 113. Despite looking in the Quizmail Answers website, I find that this old fellow still eludes me, I obviously didn't watch the comedy he was part of. Any help would be much appreciated
Two questions that are driving me round the bend. Picture 113. Haven't a clue about. #60. What is the surname of the talented football player who was discovered and offered a place with Newcastle...
#60. What is the five-letter name, derived from the latin for 'mild' , of the form of iron which is made malleable by the addition of a small amount of aluminum, in a process invented by a Swedish...
apologies to non-quizmailers as this is a photo question. q1. pls can someone give us a clue on who this marriage is of so at least we might be able to look up the year. we have no idea who these...
Last two. Q 42 looks like T.C. but cannot find picture and Q121 I have transformers but feel this is too general. Any help would be appreciated and reciprocated!!! johnpb