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does anyone know who I should contact to have my very long hair cut and made into a wig to help someone with going through chemotherapy or alopecia? I have grown my hair for years but need to have it...
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Is the name of the song at the beginning of Bridget Jones's Diary called 'All By Myself' and who is it sung by? (in the film)
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Recently i saw a girl with a horizontal stripped jumped on with and R underneath a crown logo. Can anyone tell me who makes this and or where to get one??
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Mike Lynkers
Has anyone noticed spiders are getting bigger? I moved my tumble dryer earlier tonight and out charged the biggest meatiest beast I've ever seen, the thing had muscley legs and a body like a...
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My friends and I want to go on holiday; but we want to go somewhere realistic I suggsted that we go on holiday in England, but my friend (who, incidentally, is English, and I'm not) is completely...

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