Does exercise help or is there ANY long term pain relief available, I have it on the joint on my left thumb, close to the wrist. It's very painful. The Dr has intimated, it a case of grin & bear...
for all you techies. I live in Cyprus, I send a text on my mobile 'phone to my brother- in- law in Cheshire. My 'phone says " Message sent ", my Brother - in -law doesn't get the message. Do...
What's the best way to prepare your feet for doing a 97 mile walk. I've been told soak your feet in vinegar, rub metholated spirits on them etc. Does anyone know if these are good tips or have any...
val-south, Squad and furrypussycat. Recently you were all kind enough to respond to a post of mine, you all suggested that my problem could be diabetes, you were all right. I have just come out of...
I am nearly 75 years old. Apart from an artificial hip, which precludes jogging and the like, I am usually fairly fit. Over the last week ,or so, I have been waking at night with a really dry mouth. I...
8a according to greek myth husband helen of troy ?e???a?s thought it was menelaus but cannot do 2d the ---- nickname for russia ???r USSR? but then menelaus doesnt fit in Thank uoi for your help...
My son just put me back to Explorer as Chrome was not allowing me to access links on here, but it is sssoooo slow! Is Chrome better? and if I put it back will it have righted itself do you think?...
We have a 25 litre hexagonal fishtank housing 2 goldfish and we need a filter for the tank. Trouble is I have no idea what filter to get. Any advice would be fab :-)
Lise :-)...
because I get such bad acid reflux that I can't lie down and IF I manage to sleep at al (sitting up only if you please) I throw up acid and blood in my sleep. Which bit of you produces acid? and what...
I have just purchased a new mobile 'phone, problem is that the menu language is in Greek and my Greek is not yet good enough to set it up.
Can anybody help please?...
Having read the question and any answers, I am having a problem getting back to the main page by clicking on the "back "arrow. More and more I am having to click on the AB tag to get back....
Than a question. I think that it is fair to say, that in the time that I have been using this site, I have never seen so many questions regarding the Telegraph Quick Crossword as yesterday. I will...
Good morning All, I need to download some photographs from my computer to an internet website.To do this I am prompted to select file name. All of my pictures are in various folders, and the names are...
I have OCTENNIAL for 7d -Recurring every 8 years, but if my answer for 20a In fencing the section of the sword blade which is weaker than the rest in terms of leverage is FEEBLE - one of the answers...