7d Prickly growth of society beset by old electrical opponents (5,4) G _ R _ E _ / _ _ _ H second letter in second word is either U or R 16a Something to do with lips in rhyme for ........
1. How many ways can a batsman be out at cricket? 2. Who was the last English manager to win the FA Cup? 3. Out of 40 starters, how many horses finished the 2005 Grand National? 4. How many times ahve...
I think that there are set clues, but I do not know what they mean. In this Saturdays crossword there are a few 'by the way's. What does this stand for? Also, what does 'sapper' mean? Are there any...
a friend and i were discussing the olympics and we wondered what the 100m was called before we went metric? what did they do about world records? cheers
I have a question which I am sure someone will answer instantly, well not instantly because I am posting this at 0800 in the morning and I don't expect anyone to read it for a while. I already...
I am doing a report on what people think the meaning of life is. Why are we here?What were we send to do? Please answer and help me with my project. Thank you!!! ps. if your a hitchiker fan please...
35d. Arabic word that means "In the name of God" 3d. Former name of a large body of water at the southern end of the Great Aftican Rift Valley System. Thanks in advance.
variety of pear - i cant confirm nelies , can anyone else??? nellis comes up but doesnt fit letters which are defo right. subordinate action on stage 2,4 ?y ?l?y
1 Which mainland Scottish region had the smallest population before reorganisation? 2 Who in 1941 organised the worlds first package holiday? 3 Which scots poet penned an eulogy to the railway bridge...
Answer all the clues, then arrange the letters in the coloured squares to find the name of a Channel 4 documentary series (9 letters). If I have done the crossword correctly the 9 letters are:- ...
42 down greek city that claims to be ancienty cap46 acrossital Macedonia and wasuntil 1912 Turkish 46 across Either of the two longest muscles of the human body 21 down Simple apparatus that can...