The dark circles I have under my eyes are so bad now that they go up the sides of my nose. Is there anything to get rid of them permanently intsead of having to disguise them, thanks for any advice.
Own two houses. Want to sell the one I dont live in. Heard that by registering with the council tax and paying this for a year or so, that I would exempt myself from paying the above tax. Can anyone...
I have one of these in perfect condition and am not sure of its value (if any!!).Still have original packaging and have been asked how much would I like for this..... can anybody advise me???
Recently noticed ?2000 that had been paid out of my account for a purchase reappeared.Company to which money is owed have received payment. Is there a period of time by which if this is not noticed...
I've just told my son that "They'll go in the bin if I pick them up" and earlier I heard myself say "I don't wash and iron for the fun of it you know" Have you found yourself saying things your...
I want to know if this self tanner is good or not. Also i've looked at it in Boots and it has different steps. Exfoliator, etc.etc.. Is it necessary to use all the before and after lotions or can you...