2,2,4,5 Explicitly, how verbose speeches are made. 4,4 Winger not to be trusted by the sound of it. 3,3,5,2,4 In an oral context, had a grating effect on the fellow! thanks for any help-I am just...
I have three numbers left to finish 43 71 & 87 with two clues left which will leave one number over.Each clue is related to one of the above numbers, the clues are Bang on the drum! and Torquay in...
3d(4) ?h?m article to headmaster?not us-I thought whim 8d(6)-r-a-- It doesn't describe the present pupil 17d(5) -s-n- Head of Germany possesses official robes 16a(6) e---r- Writer gives old to god...
16a(6) r-d-a- daughter included in summary by military policeman 3d(4) -u-b No use making bold openings without feeling. Thanks for any help given on above ,its my last two and I just can't think...