sup outside here in King George in busy Aberdeen : 29a (6,6) ???a??,??????
maine perhaps a convenience for those dealing in 27? : 27a(7) h???I?? the
case for accommodation. Thanks for any help....
(5) g???? : swimmer finds informant at the plant (8) e?????s? :rolls back
film (5) ????? : barman to knock rest off: I have some answers but just
need to tie them all in, thanks for any help...
to show breeding. - 26a(7) ??????? - characteristic, alternatively, of a rat -
24d(5) b???? - eruption is fun - 17(d)8 ???e???l - bromine found in grain of intelligence. thanks for any help...
(8) ???e???? In principle, the fellows make a place for multi occupation (4,9) ????,e???? he deals with outstanding people (4) ???r one spot in front of the right kind of tree. thanks for any help...
Scots 2nd husband but 17a(7) f?o?n?? - of a garment, decorated with
ornamental gathered ruffles - I thought was flounce but with the y from
Darnley this would be flouncy ? help please...