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Ivy jo

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Ivy jo
The Collector by JOhn Fowles was a book I had to read and base work on for English Literature at school, and while alot of my peers found it a depressing and almost boring novel I actually found it...
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Ivy jo
Does anyone think that as much as we grow as a race and invent and develop all this new technology to 'aid our living' that we are actually becoming stupider through our growing intelligence by the...
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Ivy jo
Did everybody know that Margarine although it may advertise that it lowers cholesterol or has reduced salt, that from all the processes it goes through, it is no longer a natural product and is one...
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i want to read some classic books (although ones that are easy to read) either adults or childrens.  any suggestions?
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Robert G
In shallow waters on Australia's east coast a young woman swimmer recently had her arms bitten/torn off by a shark, and she later died. Fortunately such incidents are rare - about one per year - but...

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