A one kilometre asteroid striking the Earth at a typical speed of 25 to 30 kilometres per second would have a devastating effect. On impact [there will be] an explosion equivalent to 300,000 megatons...
For the recent Cart D'Or commercial, how does the submarine get such a good TV signal when it is clearly several metres under the water with no sign of an aerial?
I recently bought a broadband adapter for my gamecube. However, my dsl modem does not have any ethernet ports on it. I've been told by a friend that i can get something to make the usb socket on the...
How can anyone post an answer to a question like the previous one that runs to more lines than the complete works of Shakespeare ? The post an answer bit doesn't allow space to do that.
Modern art and poetry' ...Are they fake? What I mean is, when an artist paints a picture of say, a yellow squiggle, covered in green and blue diamonds, and then roughly scribbles a toddler-like image...
How do you learn how to draw and texture 3D objects on a computer, like on one of those drawing programs? I bought a very cheap ?5.00 CAD CD a few years ago, but I never got round to learning how to...
I tried as you said about deleting aol but you see im on bt broadband so i access aol via google or whatever but not using aol directly.its just attached itself to aol.i cant delete compuserve as it...
I had been having problems with premature disconnections from my ISP, sometimes after only a few minutes, which is annoying and expensive in phone charges. This weekend I tried an experiment and...
One of Kennedy's favorite stories was about an Irishman who stood before a tall wall thinking how difficult it would be to climb over. The man then threw his hat over the wall so that there would be...
Big Frank is talking about making a comeback. Is this a wise decision or should he stick to being a pantomime dame ? I've always liked the guy and would hate to see him get mauled,
Why does life always seem better when you look back, especially when you compare it to the present? It's true that you never really appreciate how great some parts of your life are until you look...
Okay I need help, I've got the answer but when I enter it in the box and press continue it doesn't work...waht am I doing wrong???? Oh and my answer is 'Net Riddler'