I'm stuck on just a few : 11A One's private beaten track ?I??? 12A Star, say, entering one of the eastern states ?E?A 22A flower, leafy initially inside barrier ?L?O? 5D Relatively fast food? T?O???R...
On Thursday I posted a question about an Alex Parks song which was answered by Iain Percival, I want to know the name of the track with a cool guitar intro it has the lyrics 'Do you know where I'm...
Bird, the home of Harris Tweed and Jeff Arnold, et. al. in the 1950s? (5) North American feline; only worth a shilling? (6) A gift for Edward Heath (5,5) St Augustine is associated with its diminutive...
whatever happened to alex parks, the girl who won fame academy last year or so. she was great and deserved to win, but havnt heard anything since her first album...
Still a few on my quiz, thank to all those who helped me earlier: F.B - explosives expert E.B - designed the principle weapon of the 95th Foot A.P. - this is really choice A.S.t.C.a.M - a minor...
I am on the final stages of a quiz where each question or answer has a connection with food or drink, I would appreciate any help with these: B. - This is cooked twice B.S. - Young grass C.B.S - 2 of...
Would you consider "dream as if you'll live today, live as if you'll die tomorrow" an inspiarional quote??? Do you know any other inspirational quotes???
Has anybody else ready Lovely Bones and Lucky? I have read 'Lovely Bones', and loved it, but I am finding 'Lucky' really hard to get into. It's a fab book, but I've found it more difficult...