Help with one last one (thought I had finished this quiz but not happy with my answer) 15. To run off with the goods answer can be cryptic, gen. knowledge or anagram. be interested to see what you...
1. a region of north europe mainly within the artic circle thought on lapland?
2. in a state of despair
3. a loud noise in the sky
4. calm or composed
5. a clinker built boat...
1. princess to the inferior dog answer begins with a 5. the second and its home ! answer begins with b 21. sack trade name answer begins with f 26. talk excessively tediously about answer begins with...
24. after dawn and befre line ? 6
26. a dance for those who wish to be pale again ? 5
33. peaceful accord found in Barbershop music 7
47. The Bee Gees were famous for this singing style 8...
1. a colour has been overheated
2. have an alcoholic drink with mr flynn
3. an ex us president and a gambling cube
4. a clothing article gets you across a river...