Tv or film police show
Clue is improving,
Example of another clue is Carroll or Capaldi the answer is Lewis.
This is from a Save the children branch quiz....
Fairs & Fetes - Answers are as near as possible as they sound. I am struggling with this quiz. I obviously don't go to enough of them! No.10 Breathed out deeply exhibit - (something show) No.31 Racket...
Answers are 2 words which start with the same letter e.g a complete mess 4/6 dogs dinner 2)Was a low cost airline from Birmingham 1.1.1./4 5)A tender perennial plant 8/3 or 4 8)Song by Vaughn Williams...
1. a gate with shh above it
3. 4 stick men with a tick above the second man and a large stick man with a x
8 wind blowing with flowers
12. a blackbird flying on top of a's and an arrow under it...
the clue or answer includes a link to a place of worship or clerical person a torturous route through the uk
1.Tidy up central aisle,not neat 8
2. The church spire here is twisted 12...
One to get. The number which follows the question is the word count. All answers contain the words GREAT or GRAND .
2) Talented people who love what they do! (5)
Thanks for any suggestions...