Have really battled with this - can anyone give me a clue how I find the baron (great manufacturing chemist) who retired to Jersey. Looks like to St Aubin's Bay. Born in 1850. Have spent 2 days...
Have now spent 2 days ..... have got all clues except the last one - have the letters KCBOAAD but am blowed if I can find a melancholy hamlet. Do I need an Ordnance Survey map?? This is driving me...
27 down What or who is a member of the colonial militia in the War of American Independence 9 letters -I-U-E-A- I now know the full history of the war but still do not know the above! HELP!
Totally stuck on this one 13 across 4 letters Remains of grapes or other fruit pressed for winemaking M--C That is if I have Garam Masala correct 1 down
Stuck on last 2 11 across - Hard to take some trees as shelter 7 letters A-R-O-R - can't be Arbour - am stuck on this 13 across Maybe sit on cane construction 9 letters P_A_M_N-E HELP!!
US City P-S-O- 6 letters - Think I may have a letter wrong and it might be Tuscon but the interconnecting word down then doesn't fit. Resisted, revolted 8 letters I have Repulsed - Anyones help much...