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STATES SPLIT FROM BOTTOM TO TOP have P??S so think it is S??? could be wrong though
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I know lots been asked, (am a bit late coming to do this) Need 41 Scottish Rugby Union player, think it must be easy as nobody asked but have looked at various lists and cannot find... ...
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Had got Manganese (from name agnes) anagram yet people saying 3d Simon and 4d Gallivanted so obviously I am wrong...
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Have CHEAP for 23d but cannot get it to fit as have DANISH for 31a thought 23d was on far right have i gone wrong?
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outlook has stopped working on my laptop in chrome (works in firefox) i have windows 7 should i remove chrome and reinstall? I have a laptop using vista and outlook works in chrome on that one thanks...
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18d Bottle still upright has red in it N?R?E is it NERDE NURSE or NORDE trying to get the red bit not sure of the bottle
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Is 11a AMEN and 12d NOT thanks...
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is 26a nice flower has a little stamen TASTY and 18d sharp "yes below a flyover" TANGY last 2 thanks jan...
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24a food and drink very quietly taken in is it ample or apple thanks...
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i have 2d Bacon 10a Cadmium 18d Droll 22a Oregano are these right please cannot get 23 a Cup finals of preceding year trouble have G?A?L thanks...
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24d put out some medicine around university had DRUGS but pencil on 28a messed that up so have D?U?E thanks jan...
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is 5d EDGE almost sixteen grand in the bank and if so why? is 23d RAMI indian ruler led with integrity initially can only find rami is and indian queen thanks jan...
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is 22a Iranian? "asian man beside himself having received tip" and therefor 17d Plate "lady with head covering is a dish!" thanks jan...
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is it MINI or is that too obvious? thanks jan...
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5d, Lance has run out for a bit is it PIECE? 13a a social gathering with no drink, DAWN? or DOWN? thanks...
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God of love initiating a row is it Odin or Eden?
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not sure if i have gone wong 25a nuts and less content people if 19d is Cedar and 20d Issue i have D?N?U...
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is 7d butcher perhaps taking veal back SLAY? and 13a game aunt going topless for a friend ALLY? and finally 5d frenchman upset about time put in ENTER? thanks jan...
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again this week my last one must be easy as nobody else has asked 7a I have V?L?A unless i have gone wrong else where thanks jan...
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Guess it must be easy as nobody has asked but 1d Also, a sailor inside out T?B?O then all done many thanks

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