MIssed most of what happened but notice Dris is suspended. She has been very kind to me recently so I am staging a sit in until she is released!
"We shall overcome"....
Yes, I have now had a few sherberts celebrating the fact that my gorgeous, wonderful hubby is coming home on Friday! I am, as Jimmy Hill said, over the moon. :-)
Hubby has had his swallow test and x-ray today and everything is fine. He is now able to eat and drink, albeit only clear fluids and things like jelly but at least he no longer has to be fed by a...
Got the phone call from the surgeon to say hubby is ok and the surgery went well. It was a large tumour and a 6 hour operation but he is confident that he was able to remove all the cancerous tissue....
As it's my 25th wedding anniversary party tomorrow been sorting out music. Love this song. Do you have a song that reminds you of the 80's?
I know a few of you have been waiting for the next Lions quiz, as have I. Just checked the website and it is available for download. Looks a good one too!
We kept one bottle over from our wedding for the christening but unfortunately turned out I couldn't have kids. It's our 25th wedding anniversary next week and I am wondering if it would still be...
I used to be with AOL but in April changed to BT. AOL said I could still keep my email address with them so did until I had changed everything over to my new yahoo email address with BT. Last night I...
It is very frustrating when people type the title to their question but not the actual question. I think the reason why is because the Submit Question box is in the wrong place. Can it be moved to...
For the last couple of days I keep getting a pop up of Security Tool Warning saying my computer has been infected with a virus and telling me the only way to get rid of it is to subscribe to this,...
Have been looking at your jewellery on ebay and wish I could afford to buy one of each! I will definitely be buying some for me, and as presents too, just can't decide which at the moment. Hope you do...
After all we've been through recently hubby went to work this evening and was told he no longer has a job. The club AGM was yesterday and it was decided that they couldn't afford to pay him sick pay...
After all we've been through recently hubby went to work this evening and was told he no longer has a job. The club AGM was yesterday and it was decided that they couldn't afford to pay him sick pay...