Welll ladies then whats your signal for the other half ? When you want a bit of the other. I lnow for some its wearing a certain nighie or even suggesting an early night for the less imaginative. Some...
ive got some beef which im going to cook,ive got onions,peppers,potato's,hot chilli peppers,and okra,i was thinking maybe a hearty detoxing stew,any ideas anyone?
I have a roasting dish with a metal "grid" that sits in it, I'm sure many people have a similar style of tray. The question is, when making roasties, do I use the metal grid or not? My girlfriend and...
Brilliant nite no trolls no stroppyness no nuthin this is howit should be well done editor and dep ed vive la editor vive la editor vive la editor did that help? yes it did
If you were the deputy editor , not the main man not the the big kahuna. What would you do at the weekend at answerbank hq when there was no ed to watch you and noone else to report what you were up...
1.. just the place for us to rest (5,3) 2..national hero and his victim (6,1,6) 3..useful for carrying trowels and hods (11,4) 4..did the red deer have a fright (5,4) any help please?
We've got some half price cracked ice and miles and miles of carpet tiles, T.V.s, deep freeze and David Bowie L.P.s, Ball games, gold chains, whatsnames, pictures frames and leather goods, And Trevor...