Im down to the last few but need some help please! Clue reads: impeded AN _ I _ I _ L _ loyal friend AC _ A _ E _ Isle of Skye's neighbour EO _ G Scandinavian Arctic natives _ A _ I Thanks in advance....
Im doing OK but need some help with the last few. If you can help Id appreciate it!! Many thanks. 1. Lively exchange of views for crises management T _ O _ _ _ I _ E 2. four points per annum, per...
I have a couple of missing answers so if you can help that would be great!! 1. smiles coyly _ _ M _ E _ S 2. Alexander the Great siege weapon R _ L _ I _ TA 3. unscrupulous promotion H _ C _ S _ E _ I...
Needing some thoughts about this one please - The clue reads: akin I have these letters: A _ I _ E Im thinking perhaps aside ???? Also this one from Mega Mix: The clue reads: degree of a climb I have...
Im stuck on the last few and would appreciate some help! 1. that is to say S _ I _ I _ E _ 2. diligent A _ DID _ OUS 3. membrane _ E _ UA Also a couple of cryptics .... have just started on these and...
2 answers left and I need some help please. 1. Sufi master's title P _ R (Im sure these 2 letters are correct) 2. loose scrum M _ U _ Thanks in advance. Jan
Im stuck with the last few so if you can help that would be great!! The answers I thought would fit, just dont and Im sure the other letters around them are correct. The clues read: 1. gradual...
Im stuck with the last clue in this puzzle so if you can help Id appreciate it. the clue reads - global trade organization I have O _ C _ I thought it would be OPEC but the interlocking letters are...
Last one needed to complete this thing!!! Id appreciate your help. Clue reads: huts built to provide shelter for the French detective I have these letters: S _ E _ T _ thanks for your help!! Jan
Im getting there but still learning so if you can help with any of these I would appreciate it!! Many thanks. 1. do prepare meat in tower above (8) D _ M _ _ _ T _ 2. expert on eyesight condition (9)...
1. bishop finally tries to transfer cleric _ _ I _ S _ 2. celebrity making Glint is astounding _ T _ R _ _ _ _ _ 3. Millet I processed in front of ship was immeasurable _ _ M _ T _ E _ S 4. becoming...
Needing help as Im still getting the hang of these!! 1. a little flower (5 letters) _ _ T _ _ 2. pun involved trainee with the German loot (7 letters) _ _ _ _ _ E _ 3. patient to join First Lady, the...
Im down to the last few clues and could do with some help please!! 1. autonomous region of the People's Republic of China _ _ _ ANG 2. small earthenware pot P I _ K _ _ 3. cold shoulder S _ _ _...
Im new to these cryptics and trying hard but I need some help with these to finish this puzzle. Many thanks. 1. you need diplomatic skills to be part of this mission (7) _ _ _ _ S _ _ (embassy???) 2....
Im down to the last few answers and although they are probably quite simple Im stuck!!! Can you help with any of these please? 1. feather barb R A _ U _ 2. psychic faculties P _ _ 3. Paris rapid...
Im stumbling through these as Im new at doing cryptics (but Im trying hard!!!) so any help would be appreciated!!! 1. what a man sometimes shoots when he stretches his arms C _ F _ _ 2. Spanish party...
Im a learner when it comes to these and I need some help with a few of these answers!! If you can help I would appreciate it heaps! Thanks in advance. 1. plain like the truth or timber _ N _ A _ N _ S...
Im needing some help with my last few answers so if you are able to help I would appreciate it heaps!! 1. curious trinket _ I _ E _ O T 2. bouncing obliquely off CL _ N _ _ N G 3. Kenyan dress cloth K...