I shop mainly with a credit card and pay the full amount off each month. My card is Access Master Card, but I get no 'reward' or 'points' or 'return' because I use this Card. Can anyone tell me if I...
Re. Kettering Quiz. The sheet says each box represents an object, a place, a person, a phrase or saying. No. 38. Blundered and No. 51. If the answer is Search, do not seem to fit into any of these...
2 MU (then a picture of a hat) MS G+HI I think the answer is Mahatmas Gandhi but cannot see how Mahatmas fits the clue. an anyone help please? Another one is - c morn (then a picture of a bowler hat)...
1)In the Kettering quiz is 'sewn' written vertically bottom to top and 'sown' written in the same way ALL SEWN UP? 2) Also 'sailing' written vertically bottom to top and 'ship' written in the same way...
Can you help please? 1) Canberra (cane in very black type) 7-10 letters 2) MUMBO (large letters very black type) 5-5 letters 3) Prince-Way. Shakespeare - Weigh. Wordsworth - Whey
Does anyone know of any spin bowlers who played for England and Lancashire in the 1940/1950's, at the time Roy Tattersall played. Any replies much appreciated.
I am trying to trace a French Red Wine, the label read Merlot and had words L'Aimeny on it. Would like to purchase some but cannot find it with computer? Has anyone heard of it? I was attending a...
Name the Solo singer, Group or Song Title. The cryptic clue is A right carry, on, but not motionless. Can anyone make any sense out of this please. I cant.
I am doing a quiz which requires the names of 10 groups with a colour in their name. The colour may only be used once, and they must have had a chart entry. I have quite a few but can anyone please...
Name the Solo Singer, Group or Song Title from the following clue. A right carry on, but not motionless. Hoping it can be solved, so I dont have to leave a blank in my Quiz. Can anyone help please?
A right carry on, but not motionless. (Solo singer, Group, or Song Title) Heres a song for you. You'll like this, not a lot but you'll like it (Song Title) Elton Johns 'Your Song' has been suggested,...
Sorry to bring these up again, they are the last two and I am completely stuck! 1) Devine and not for dancing with 2) Married a girl with Big Brother watching Number of letters not given.
I have run out of ideas and looking for more help please - 1. 6 SWM (SF) 2. 3=M (A,Pand A) 3. 1,2,3,SYO at the OBG 4. 1= R per Y of a T's L 5. 2=C, 3=AC 6. 3=OM (G,S and B)